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Secondary School (Bideford)

"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our student and their achievements."


Welcome to Secondary School (Bideford)

"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our
students and their achievements."

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This Term

This term in Key Stage 3 art students will study architecture from a round the world then plan and build their ideal house.  We are then going to study modern graphic designers and learn the new skill of printing.  The students will then create their own printed design.


Yr 10 & 11 students will continue to refine their art skills studying a range of artists from different historical periods.  Yr 10 pupils will use these art pieces to plan and develop a final piece for component 1 and Yr 11 pupils will start component 2 of their exam leading to the final work which they will create during the art exam in May.  


All students will have the opportunity to take part in a range of hands-on artistic activities to develop their creativity, imagination and improve their self-esteem and wellbeing. Students will be taught to understand the fundamental principles of what makes any work of art, design, or craft successful. We believe that the art and design curriculum should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. Art embodies some of the highest forms of human creativity and as an SEMH provision we are also mindful of the benefits of the Arts on mental health, emotional regulation and being a key aspect of the school Thrive strategy. 



The impact of our art curriculum can be seen throughout the whole school environment and has been designed to ensure that children get an immersive creative education; the artists and makers we study are from all parts of the world; include both powerful male and female artists for the children to feel inspired by; and additionally historical and contemporary practitioners. 


Art projects will be both teacher and student lead with the opportunity to build on their own interests and creative ideas, whilst developing the key concepts that will help them gain qualifications. Each student has unique strengths and challenges and, to this end, we will endeavour to deliver an individual curriculum to meet their individual needs. 


What are the key concepts in Art and why do we teach them? 


Our learners study Art so they can become: 


  • Successful independent learners who enjoy learning, understand how to make progress and achieve to their full potential; 

  • Confident self-managers and team-workers, who are willing to take risks and keep an open-mind about new ideas and techniques; 

  • Responsible citizens aware of the role they play in society and the importance of art in contributing to society; 

  • Confident individuals who are able to expressive themselves, live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives. 


Enrichment and cross-curricular links: 


The Art curriculum has strong links to other curriculum areas: 

  • Creating displays and outside large-scale art works linked to all the subjects. 

  • Learning and apply a range of techniques such as 3-dimensional work to create outdoor sensory spaces. 

  • Everything we do is supported by the Thrive Approach and will address the students own Thrive targets. 



We use art as a tool for addressing curriculum breadth, and also for well-being activities including Thrive and Nurture. 


All courses are underpinned by the concept of Art for mindfulness and sensory awareness. During Key stage 3 pupils will be developing and refine a wide range of art skills that lay the grounding knowledge to potentially take GSCE in art and design and support further artistic career goals.

Student Art
