This Term
Firstly, I would like to share how incredibly proud I am of our year 11's that have just left us. They all achieved incredibly well and I wish them success in their post 16 adventures.
Currently in KS3 we are exploring our passion for reading and studying a book called "The Tulip Touch" by Anne Fine. Students are building skills by working with the text and using it to respond to questions and make story predictions. We are also building a sense of enjoyment and fun while reading. Some days students are following the words with an upside down book or they might sit with Bruce our therapy dog and see if he reads with us. It's important that while reading I support learners to read for pleasure, building a positive reading culture within school.
In KS4 most learners have began studying "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. We are using a combination on both the book and movies to help engage and give context to some of the new vocabulary. In year 11 there is a strong focus on building key skills, preparing them for their functional skills reading assessments.
As a whole school we are also reading daily and engaging with groups texts such as "Noughts and Crosses" and "The Wizards of Once". This is helping to build valuable discussions within our tutor groups and exposing learners to a broad spectrum of new vocabulary. Reading is a vital skill that will support our learners to access opportunities both now and moving into adulthood.
Curriculum Intent:
Reading is the golden thread that runs through the English curriculum. The aim is that all students will see themselves as “readers” and through this develop a broader vocabulary and be able to use what they read as a model for their own writing.
Students will: read literary fiction and non-fiction to develop critical reading skills and techniques; develop their creative writing skills and write in a variety of forms for a range of different audiences and purposes; benefit from speaking and listening opportunities for discussion, debate and presentation.
At KS3 the curriculum is built around themes and big ideas whilst building confidence in reading and writing skills which will lead them towards qualifications at KS4. Half termly topics are structured around the skills examined at GCSE whilst also enjoying texts from literary traditions and authors. The curriculum offers the opportunity to study contemporary and historical plays, poetry, novels and short stories to develop an understanding and appreciation of different forms and genres.
At KS4 students will have the opportunity to build on the knowledge and skills that they have acquired in KS3. They will develop skills in language and structural analysis, evaluation and comparing and contrasting across a range of texts. They will also further develop their creative and transactional writing skills.