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Secondary School (Bideford)

"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our student and their achievements."


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"We are a school first and foremost and proud of our
students and their achievements."

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Food Tech

September Term 2023

D&T Food & Nutrition - Intent

Our aim is to develop an interest in and a love of food that enables students with the knowledge, understanding and skills required to use ingredients to cook dishes or meals. They can apply the principles of food science, nutrition and healthy eating. Our curriculum will encourage students to make informed decisions about what they eat, with a wide range of learning opportunities which will develop vital life skills. Enabling students to feed themselves and others affordably and nutritiously, now and later in life.


Aim for every student

The main aims are for students to learn how to make food, which is safe to eat, focussing upon key practical skills, using basic tools, equipment and processes. Each practical session is sequenced and designed to further develop and embed the key skills previously taught and learnt. Students will be encouraged to investigate how to have a well-balanced diet and how this links to their health and wellbeing, these will relate to dishes prepared during that half term depending on types of seasonal foods available .


During food and nutrition, students will:

1. Demonstrate effective and safe cooking skills by planning some aspects of a dish, preparing and cooking using a variety of foods, cooking techniques and equipment.

2. Develop their knowledge and understanding of the functional properties and chemical processes as well as the nutritional content of food and drinks.

3. Understand the relationship between diet, nutrition and health, including the physiological and psychological effects of poor diet and health.

4. Understand the economic, environmental, ethical, and socio-cultural influences on food availability, production processes, and diet and health choices that are reflected by this.

5. Demonstrate some knowledge and understanding of functional and nutritional properties, sensory qualities and microbiological food safety considerations when preparing, processing, storing, cooking and serving food.

6. Understand and explore a range of ingredients and processes from different culinary traditions (traditional British and international), to inspire new ideas or modify existing recipes.
